If you're new to zed, you can safely autopilot this rune to gain an extra bit of damage every time you get a takedown(kill or assist). Out of all the options in this tier, Eyeball Collection is the the option with the least amount of brain power required. This will make sure you can still toss out a Q or two while CSing for some poke. The golden rule of laning against a ranged matchup is to stay as HEALTHY as possible and all in at lvl 3 when you have all your abilities. If you can't get up close to a target for example Azir, you can just sit back and fish for Electro procs with W - E - double Q effectively whittling him down enough to all in with your R Taste of Blood will help with lack of sustain in lane. I'm in love with the recent changes introduced with the preseason as it gave Zed a little bit more flexibility in his rune and item choices! Right now the main bread and butter burstyboi path would be the Standard Electrocute rune page: Electrocute is the keystone of choice for long range poke in lane and early dominance.